Ahoy! Travel Enthusiasts.
Follow me as I sail around the world, exploring and having adventures.
About Me
My name is Brent. As I began my adult life, I did everything I was supposed to do. I got a job and tried to make a living. I’ve been a mechanic, a welder, a soldier, and I worked in IT. And I even did some of these things as hobbies. I moved around to try to improve my financial situation. I bought and sold houses, bought and sold cars and motorcycles. I finally felt like I was doing well for myself. But, I was working all year for a few short weeks of vacation. Not to mention I was spending all of my savings on those vacations. I thought there had to be another way. So, I sold my house, and almost everything I owned, bought a sailboat, and left the rat race.
I’m not trying to make waves.
Join me as I try to live life low key, sail the world, and have some adventures.
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